When Denture Repair May Require You to Send Them to a Lab
You may have to send your dentures to a laboratory during a denture repair depending on the type and severity of the concern that is being addressed. This review discusses when a denture repair requires a laboratory’s assistance in ensuring … Continued
Common Questions About Denture Repair
Countless patients around the globe wear dentures, and they will face the need for denture repair at some point. There is no reason to fear needing any repair done on your dentures. When you first were fitted, your dentist went … Continued
7 Tips For Denture Maintenance and Cleaning
Are you wondering what it takes for proper denture maintenance and cleaning? Taking proper care of dentures is essential when it comes to their being able to last you for many years. While following the maintenance and cleaning instructions that … Continued
Common Denture Problems and Solutions
A denture is a great way to address missing teeth, and it is the most affordable option. However, dentures are not perfect devices. They tend to deal with a familiar set of issues over time. The odds of any issues … Continued